Functions in gRbase

Functions in gRain to be used in the future.

all_subsets() all_subsets0()

Create all subsets

all_pairs() names2pairs()

Create all possible pairs

tablePerm() tableMult() tableDiv() tableOp() tableOp2() tableOp0() tableSlice() tableSlicePrim() tableMargin() tableGetSliceIndex() tableSetSliceValue()

Array operations (2007)

is.named.array() is_named_array_() is_number_vector_() is_dimnames_() dimnames_match()

Check if object is array

cell2entry() entry2cell() next_cell() next_cell2() next_cell_slice() slice2entry() cell2entry_perm() perm_cell_entries() fact_grid()

Table cell operations.

cell2entry_() make_plevels_() entry2cell_() next_cell_() next_cell2_() next_cell_slice_() slice2entry_() cell2entry_perm_() perm_cell_entries_()

Low level table cell operations implemented in c++

parray() as.parray() data2parray() makeDimNames()

Representation of and operations on multidimensional arrays

`%a+%` `%a-%` `%a*%` `%a/%` `%a/0%` `%a_%` `%a==%` `%a^%` `%aperm%` `%aalign%` `%aslice%` `%aslice*%` `%amarg%`

Array algebra


Marginalize and condition in multidimensional array.


Create multidimensional arrays

tabAdd() tabAlign() tabDiv() tabDiv0() tabOp() tabEqual() tabExpand() tabMult() tabSubt() tabListMult() tabListAdd() tabPerm() tabMarg() tabSum() tabProd() tabNormalize()

Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays.

tab_perm_() tab_expand_() tab_align_() tab_marg_() tab_op_() tab_add_() tab_subt_() tab_mult_() tab_div_() tab_div0_() tab_equal_() tab_list_mult_() tab_list_add_()

Table operations implemented in c++

tabSlice() tabSlice2() tabSlicePrim() tabSliceMult() tabSlice2Entries()

Array slices

simulateArray() simulate(<table>) simulate(<xtabs>) simulate(<array>)

Simulate data from array.


Generic function for model comparison

cov2pcor() conc2pcor()

Partial correlation (matrix)

valueLabels() varNames() nLevels()

Utilities for data handling

downstream-aliases ell ellK

Downstream aliases

dag2edge_matrix() edge_matrix2dag()

Coerce dag to edge matrix

fastcombn() combn_prim()

Generate All Combinations of n Elements Taken m at a Time


The package `gRbase': summary information


Functions from Graphical Modelling with R book

get_cliques() max_cliqueMAT() getCliques() maxCliqueMAT() maxClique()

Get cliques of an undirected graph

g_dm2sm_() g_dm2ig_() g_sm2dm_() g_sm2ig_() g_ig2dm_() g_ig2sm_() g_xm2ig_() g_xm2dm_() g_xm2sm_() g_xm2xm_()

API for coercing graph representations

coerceGraph() graph_as()

Graph coercion

ug() ugi() ugList() dag() dagi() dagList()

Create undirected and directed graphs

edgeList() edgeListMAT() nonEdgeList() nonEdgeListMAT()

Find edges in a graph and edges not in a graph.

isGraphical() isDecomposable()

Properties of a generating class (for defining a graph).

mcs() mcsMAT() mcs_marked() mcs_markedMAT()

Maximum cardinality search on undirected graph.

minimal_triang() minimal_triangMAT()

Minimal triangulation of an undirected graph


Moralize a directed acyclic graph

mpd() mpdMAT()

Maximal prime subgraph decomposition


Random directed acyclic graph

rip() ripMAT() junction_tree() junction_treeMAT() jTree()

Create RIP ordering of the cliques of an undirected graph; create junction tree.

triangulate() triang_mcwh() triang_elo() triang() triangulateMAT() triang_mcwhMAT_() triang_eloMAT_() triang_eloMAT()

Triangulation of an undirected graph


Coerce between undirected and directed graphs when possible

g_ugl2ig_() g_ugl2dm_() g_ugl2sm_() g_ugl2XX_() g_dagl2ig_() g_dagl2dm_() g_dagl2sm_() g_dagl2XX_() g_adl2ig_() g_adl2dm_() g_adl2sm_() g_adl2XX_() g_M2adl_() g_M2ugl_() g_M2dagl_() g_ugl2M_() g_dagl2M_() g_adl2M_()

Coercion of graphs represented as lists


Function for plotting graphs using the 'igraph' package.

is_dag() is_dagMAT() is_ug() is_ugMAT() is_tug() is_tugMAT() is_dg() is_dgMAT() is_adjMAT() is.adjMAT()

Check properties of graphs.

querygraph() qgraph() ancestors() subGraph() is.triangulated() connComp() ancestralSet() ancestralGraph() parents() children() separates() closure() adj() is.simplicial() simplicialNodes() is.complete() is.decomposition() nodes_() nodes() edges() edges_() addEdge() removeEdge()

Query a graph

topo_sort() topo_sortMAT() topoSort() topoSortMAT()

Topological sort of vertices in directed acyclic graph

vchi() vchiMAT() vpar() vparMAT()

List of vertices and their parents for graph.

rhsFormula2list() rhsf2list() rhsf2vec() listify_dots() list2rhsFormula() list2rhsf() rowmat2list() colmat2list() matrix2list() which.arr.index() which_matrix_index() rowSumsPrim() colSumsPrim() colwiseProd() lapplyV2I() lapplyI2V()

gRbase utilities

fit() compile() propagate() stepwise()

Compile and propagate functions

internal ggm %>% MAT2ftM_ isGSD_glist solveSPD randomGraph addEdge.gModel dropEdge.gModel extract.power processFormula selectOrder symMAT2ftM_ setdiffPrim unlistPrim intersectPrim outerPrim uniquePrim matchPrim

Internal functions for the gRbase package


Prostate Tumor Gene Expression Dataset

maximal_sets() minimal_sets() remove_redundant() is_inset() filter_maximal_vectors() get_subset() get_superset() is_subsetof() is.subsetof() subsetof()

Suite of set operations

Old names

These functions are kept in the package for backward compatibility. They may be deprecated in the future.


These functions are kept in the package for backward compatibility. They may be deprecated in the future.


Body Fat Data


The Nutrimouse Dataset


Crown dieback in ash trees


Gene expression signatures for p53 mutation status in 250 breast cancer samples


Lean meat contents of 344 pig carcasses


Simulated data from the Chest Clinic example


Growth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experiment


Gastric Dumping


Lizard behaviour


Mathematics marks for students


Mildew fungus


Milk composition data


Personality traits


Weightloss of rats


Risk factors for coronary heart disease.


Chemical composition of wine


Coronary artery disease data