Propagation refers to calibrating the cliques of the junction tree so that the clique potentials are consistent on their intersections; refer to the reference below for details.
# S3 method for class 'grain'
propagate(object, details = object$details, engine = "cpp", ...)
propagateLS(cq_pot_list, rip, initialize = TRUE, details = 0)
A compiled and propagated grain object.
The propagate
method invokes propagateLS
which is a pure R implementation of the Lauritzen-Spiegelhalter
algorithm. The c++ based version is several times faster than
the purely R based version.
Søren Højsgaard (2012). Graphical Independence Networks with the gRain Package for R. Journal of Statistical Software, 46(10), 1-26.
#> grain> ## Create network from conditional probability tables CPTs:
#> grain>
#> grain> yn <- c("yes", "no")
#> grain> a <- cpt(~asia, values=c(1,99), levels=yn)
#> grain> t.a <- cpt(~tub + asia, values=c(5,95,1,99), levels=yn)
#> grain> s <- cpt(~smoke, values=c(5,5), levels=yn)
#> grain> l.s <- cpt(~lung + smoke, values=c(1,9,1,99), levels=yn)
#> grain> b.s <- cpt(~bronc + smoke, values=c(6,4,3,7), levels=yn)
#> grain> <- cpt(~either + lung + tub, values=c(1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1), levels=yn)
#> grain> x.e <- cpt(~xray + either, values=c(98,2,5,95), levels=yn)
#> grain> <- cpt(~dysp + bronc + either, values=c(9,1,7,3,8,2,1,9), levels=yn)
#> grain> cpt_list <- list(a, t.a, s, l.s, b.s,, x.e,
#> grain> chest_cpt <- compileCPT(cpt_list)
#> grain> ## Alternative: chest_cpt <- compileCPT(a, t.a, s, l.s, b.s,, x.e,
#> grain>
#> grain> chest_bn <- grain(chest_cpt)
#> grain> ## Create network from data and graph specification.
#> grain>
#> grain> data(lizard, package="gRbase")
#> grain> ## From a DAG: height <- species -> diam
#> grain> daG <- dag(~species + height:species + diam:species, result="igraph")
#> grain> ## From an undirected graph UG : [height:species][diam:species]
#> grain> uG <- ug(~height:species + diam:species, result="igraph")
#> grain> <- grain(uG, data=lizard)
#> grain> liz.dag <- grain(daG, data=lizard)
## Uncompiled and unpropageted network:
bn0 <- grain(chest_cpt, compile=FALSE)
#> Independence network: Compiled: FALSE Propagated: FALSE Evidence: FALSE
## Compiled but unpropageted network:
bn1 <- compile(bn0, propagate=FALSE)
## Compiled and propagated network
bn2 <- propagate(bn1)
#> Independence network: Compiled: TRUE Propagated: TRUE Evidence: FALSE
## Default is that networks are compiled but not propagated at creation time:
bn3 <- grain(chest_cpt)
#> Independence network: Compiled: TRUE Propagated: FALSE Evidence: FALSE